
very helpful lioness


How YOU (yes, you!) can make Drupalcon's "Awesome Testing Party" awesome

Mon, 08/11/2008 - 01:20 -- webchick

The Drupalcon Szeged schedule just went up last week. It's jam-packed with interesting sessions ranging from low-level geeky goodness, to design and usability sessions, to Drupal business best practices. And the BoF schedule is filling up with tons of interesting stuff, too.

A list of the sessions I'm leading/partaking in follows the break. But first! I need your help!

Drupalcon Szeged helps make testing... fun?

Sun, 06/22/2008 - 21:30 -- webchick

Drupalcon Szeged
I'm officially headed to Drupalcon Szeged in August (thanks, Lullabot!), and so naturally submitted a few session proposals this weekend. :) Incidentally, if you haven't yet registered for Szeged, you really ought to do so soon -- the price goes up after June 30, and their website has a super smooth registration process.

So in addition to the "usual" Drupalchix BoF and Summer of Code showcase proposals, I also really want to try something new this year in support of spreading the testing love.

So I'm proposing.... Awesome Testing Party, a working session where coders from newbie to ninja gather in a room together and help each other to write tests for Drupal core.... and win prizes! :)

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